Chocolates, candies, sugary drinks and junk food are preferred by children over healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. It can be worrisome for parents as children throw tantrums and refuse to follow a healthy diet. There are several ways in which you can gain children’s cooperation to stick to a balanced diet. Teachers at nurseries in Jumeirah too can help in developing healthy habits among children. Choose a good nursery for your child with well-qualified teachers who can guide children in the right direction. Here are a few tips to follow to encourage healthy eating in early years:
Make Them Participate in Activities
You can refer to this as a seed to table process. Children must be encouraged to plant trees in the backyard of your house or in the local community garden. When they plant trees, they will naturally grow closer to nature. They will get a first hand experience of growing fresh fruits and vegetables which will motivate them to eat healthy. Kids are likely to get more interested in eating good food when they nurture plants themselves. Explain how naturally grown food is vital for their growth and they will slowly discontinue eating processed, unhealthy foods.
Keep Carbonated Drinks Away
Drinks with high sugar content like soft drinks and soda can create addiction to sugar among children. Children may feel tempted to consume sugary drinks every now and then which can badly affect their health. As a parent, it is your responsibility to not include such drinks in their diet. Avoid consuming it yourself in front of children as they will feel the urge to imitate their parents. Sugar consumption can lead to depression and anxiety in children. They might become moody and cranky. Instead of soft drinks, let your children have fresh, natural fruit juices free from artificial flavor enhancing substances.
Follow a Good Diet Yourself
If you yourself follow an unhealthy diet, convincing your kids to follow healthy habits is impossible. Make sure you practice what you preach. Asking kids to eat good food but neglecting your own health will send wrong signals. Eat fresh, healthy food and be a good example for your children so they know good habits indeed have good results. Plus, practicing healthy eating right from childhood will help them continue these habits for a lifetime.
Ensure Healthy Eating at School
Encourage healthy eating at nursery and school as your children are going to spend a major chunk of their time outside home. Discuss school lunch options with teachers at the nursery. Pack only healthy food if you plan to send a lunchbox with your child. It is important to ensure your child eats healthy food even when they are away from home.
Follow the above mentioned tips to promote healthy eating habits in children. Enroll your child in Kids Spot Nursery to inculcate good values and promote well-rounded development. Good habits must be taught at an early age and nurseries and schools play a huge role in helping children develop good habits.

Surfer, hustler, hiphop head, reclaimed wood collector and recent OCAD grad. Acting at the intersection of design and programing to give life to your brand. Check me out on Dribbble or Medium.