Domain names are addresses for websites and they do have an impact on SEO. Your potential customers will use domain names to search for your business online. If the domain name is too difficult to memorize, you will miss out on a large number of potential customers. If you don’t know the right way to select a name that complements your search engine optimization efforts, an SEO company in the UAE will be of help.
Selecting the right name is important since you want your business website to be easily accessible online. Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a domain name for your business:
Keep It Simple
For example, if your brand name is ‘ Lara sweets ‘, keep your domain name ‘ Lara sweets ‘. Avoid using any characters or numbers that will make the domain name complex. When your domain name is the same as your brand name, potential customers can easily find your website online simply by searching your brand name. If the name happens to be something else, it would be difficult to appear on the first page of search results.
Avoid Using Hyphens
Using hyphens in the name is not recommended. It becomes easier for people to remember names that don ‘ t have any additional characters and your website will reach more people due to increased memorability.
Consider Location
You can add location in your domain name if your business is restricted to a particular geographical area. This is especially useful if your brand name is already taken. For example, you can use LarasweetsDubai as your domain name. The domain extension you choose too can be of the country your business operates in. Instead of going for a. com domain, you can go for. ae domain. This is recommended only if you are targeting prospects who conduct searches from a particular geographical area.
Be Tactful About the Keywords
Don’t stuff keywords in domain names to rank higher. Stuffing keywords would lead search engines to consider your website as spammy. Users too won ‘t be motivated to click websites with domain names that are confusing and contain a lot of keywords. The keywords included should be relevant to your brand. They must be incorporated into the domain name in a smooth manner otherwise your website may seem fake to prospective customers.
Your domain name can impact rankings to a certain extent. Your domain name is the address by which potential customers will search your website online. You should make sure that a poorly crafted domain name doesn’t come in the way of ranking high on search engines. Get in touch with an online marketing agency to enhance your SEO efforts and other aspects of digital marketing including social media marketing, paid advertising and more.

Surfer, hustler, hiphop head, reclaimed wood collector and recent OCAD grad. Acting at the intersection of design and programing to give life to your brand. Check me out on Dribbble or Medium.